Watermelons are generally believed to have originated in Africa
several thousand years ago and to have traveled over time from Africa to
Asia to Europe to North America. Their arrival in Asia and the Middle
East is believed to date back to approximately 900–1,000 A.D., and their
arrival in Europe is estimated to have occurred in 1300–1400 A.D. It
was not until Europeans began to colonize North America that watermelons
arrived in what is now the U.S.
Today, over four billion pounds of watermelon are produced each
year in the U.S. About 85% of watermelons are purchased in fresh form by
consumers. Although there is some watermelon production in virtually
all states, about three-fourths of all U.S. watermelons are grown in
Florida, California, Texas, Georgia, and Indiana. On an average, per
person basis, we eat over 15 pounds of fresh watermelon each year.
On a global basis, China is by far the largest
watermelon-producing country and accounts for over half of all world
production. The European Union countries, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Brazil,
and the United States are the next largest watermelon producers, but
each produces less than 5% of the world total.
By source : http://www.whfoods.com
By source : http://www.whfoods.com